Sunday, August 7, 2011

August 10, 2011 Meeting

BSAGA will meet on Wednesday, August 10, 2011, at 9:30 a.m. at the Hoover Public Library in Meeting Rooms A and B.

This month's meeting is a prequel to Charlotte 's incredible class in June on construction of the bishop pleated dress before smocking.  This class with be a demo for those who are  interested in pattern placement on the fabric, cutting it out, and assembling prior to pleating.  If you want to bring your pattern and fabric, it can be a "hands on" class.  Please bring pins/weights, large fabric scissors, and, if your fabric doesn't look right with white thread, bring a fabric matching color of thread.

Don't forget to bring your "show and tell."  Also, if you have a friend interested in smocking, please bring her with you to our meeting. 

We need one more program and teacher to complete our year.  Please be thinking about something you can share with the group for a meeting (you will get points).   Sandi will be asking for a volunteer at the meeting.

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